Saturday, March 11, 2017

Samskritam is considered the mother of all Indian languages. It has become an essential to understand all of the diverse culture and ancient heritage of India. In the world today, numerous universities recognize the importance of studying Sanskrit and and offer way to study it.
There are still great amounts of Sanskrit texts in existence today. At least five million manuscripts are there covering topics like science, medicine, religion, philosophy, poetry, mathematics, and history.
Sanskrit is also a part of practices like Yoga and Ayurveda, which are both gaining popularity in western countries. East Asian scholars revere Sanskrit texts which detail the fundamentals of Buddhism.
The study of Sanskrit can lead to many amazing and valuable opportunities.
Samskritam does not have a script of its own. It was originally only a spoken language. It was not until later when there was a script that you could write samskritam in. The script was called Devanagari and many languages that are still spoken in India today still use them. There are 14 vowels and 33 consonants.